The Lobb numbers[1][2], named after Andrew Lobb, are a natural generalization of the Catalan numbers, originally introduced[3] to give a simple inductive proof of the formula for the nth Catalan number.
The Lobb numbers depend on the input of two non-negative integers m and n with n ≥ m ≥ 0. The (m, n)th Lobb number Lm,n is given in terms of binomial coefficients by
For m = 0, L0,n coincides with the nth Catalan number. The Lobb numbers solve the combinatorial problem that asks for the number of ways in which n + m values of +1 and n − m values of −1 can be arranged so that no partial sum is negative (when m = 0 this is a restatement of Catalan's problem). Equivalently, Lm,n is the number of ways that n + m opening parentheses and n − m closing parentheses can be arranged so that the resulting string is the prefix of (or, when m = 0, the entirety of) a valid string of balanced parentheses.